
Meet the Modibodi Model: Sophie

Meet the Modibodi Model: Sophie
"I'm originally from Manchester in England and I've been living in Sydney for almost 4 years now. I have a degree in Psychology and I've always had a passion for helping women. My main passion is my online business which is based on female empowerment and helping women to create an income online. I'm a crazy cat lady and I'm addicted to coffee"

Name: Sophie Hughes

Age: 25

Job(s): Business Bombshells and Model


Modibodi Model Q&A First of all, did you have fun on the Modibodi shoot?

I had so much fun on the Modibodi shoot. It was completely refreshing to feel so comfortable in my own skin and have a client embrace my muffin tops, haha in all seriousness though I felt incredibly empowered. I recently had surgery to donate part of my liver to my baby nephew, this left me with a 7 inch scar down my abdominals and the ModiBodi shoot was the first time I had shown my scar so openly, I felt great. There was a real girl power vibe on set and we all left on a high.

What is your favourite part about being a woman?

I love being a woman, I love getting dressed up, I love girly nights in, I love everything about female empowerment and I love being able to watch the notebook on repeat without judgement.

In the modelling industry, have you ever faced any challenges? Have you felt as though you needed to change a part of yourself or what you looked like in order to be viewed a certain way.

Throughout my 10 years in the modeling industry I have faced so many challenges, mainly around self image and self doubt. As a size 6, 15 year old coming into the industry I didn’t have the confidence to stand up for myself. I was constantly told to lose more weight, constantly called into the agency to be told I needed to tone up and now I look back in complete bewilderment, there was nothing of me and yet there I was doing a one week apple diet to drop 3kg for next weeks runway. I have learnt over the years to be incredibly resilient, I love my body and I love that I can pinch an inch. From personal experience we have to be careful with young women because we can do irreparable damage. It’s so important to teach young girls that we all come in different shapes + sizes and what’s important is to be healthy.

Do you think women face in challenges in todays society & how to you think we should tackle it?

I think when women support each other when beautiful things happen. We need to learn to stand together and stop body shaming, stop success shaming and allow ourselves to be inspired by other women.

What is your favourite Modibodi garment?

My favourite Modibodi garment is the sensual boylegs in black, just because it’s my time of the month doesn’t mean I have to feel like a beach whale!! My boylegs give me the support and discrection I need whilst allowing me to still feel beautiful and keep up my squats in the gym!!

What’s your ideal day look like- how do you keep your mind, body and soul nourished, entertained and challenged?

My ideal day is an early rise, coffee date with my love, head to the yoga studio for a hot yoga session then home for a nice healthy brunch. I’d spend the afternoon running my social media based business from the beach with my girlfriends and then head out for a tapas dinner with good wine and great company.

What’s your grandplan or purpose in life?

My grandplan is to be insanely happy. I’ve learnt that “plans” rarely go to plan so I much prefer to go with the flow now. As long as I leave a beautiful impact on the world around me and the people I care about are taken care of, as long as I continue to travel to beautiful parts of the world and help as many women as possible learn to love themselves, then I’ll be happy.

Finish the sentence

Im happiest when…. I’m by the ocean I started modelling because…. I was scouted in London aged 15 and my friends thought it was cool. I love my Modibodis because ….. They give women their confidence back. My greatest inspiration is….. My sister, she’s my favorite person on the planet and she blows me away time after time with her determination and huge heart.

Any Instagram tips? Be yourself, create a brand, interact with your followers oh and of course follow me @business.bombshells

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