
Mummy Influencers Adele Barbaro, Kimmy Smith And Kash Share Their #ModibodiMummyMoments

Mummy Influencers Adele Barbaro, Kimmy Smith And Kash Share Their #ModibodiMummyMoments

This Sunday is Mother's Day and to give back to our hardworking mummies we’ve asked for them to share their #modibodimummymoments through our Modibodi Mummy Competition on our website, Facebook and Instagram for the chance in winning a prize pack worth $1400. We’ve also reached out to some of our working Mummy influencers Adele Barbaro (The Real Mumma), Kimmy Smith (The Fit Mummy) and Kash (The Style Dr) to ask them about their favourite Modibodi Mummy Moments as working mothers.

Adele Barbaro (The Real Mumma) I’m a busy, working Mum to Harvey, 2 and Chloe 9 months. Life can be hectic and often, it’s hard to find time to enjoy special moments with them. So, we make sure every year that we have some time away, from the hustle and bustle to be together as a family without the juggle. These times are pretty special. No phones or emails, routine or commitments. Just us. And I get to watch my kids, immersed in the unknown and the adventure, I always remember that these were my fondest moments as a child also.

Kimmy Smith (The Fit Mummy)

I have so many favourite #modibodimummymoments. Seeing the girls first thing in the morning when they are all sleepy is the best. I love how cuddly they are and how excited for the day they are. I also love picking them up from school, they get so excited to see me which is always great for the ego! My other fave Mummy moment is watching them play Mums and Dads together. They are so kind and caring to each other, it makes me think we must be doing something right. My crazier Mummy moments happen when I’m crawling around on my hands and knees 8 months pregnant wiping the floor and my youngest is climbing all over me cause she thinks it’s an awesome game. Or when I forget to be all calm and centered and start trying to manipulate my 2 year old so she’ll let me change her dirty nappy. Begging to wipe someone's bum is never something I'd aspired to.

Kash (The Style Dr)

I have a few #modibodimummymoments that make me love and appreciate being a Mum. I love seeing my kids do well and I love seeing them do what they love and doing what makes them smile. My daughter loves school and it's the simple things like when she comes home and tells me she got 20 out of 20 in her spelling test that make me happy because I know I'm doing a good job and I can see how proud she is. I also love that she loves drawing, art, fashion and loves being creative like me.For my son it's seeing how happy he is when he scores a try at footy or when he got to run out and play at halftime of a Roosters Game at Allianz Stadium. I also love school holidays when we're not in a rush and they can pop into my bed in the morning and we can chat. Most of all I love that they're the best of friends and get along so well together.

These are just some #mummymoments from our mummy bloggers and we would love to hear about yours. Head over to our #mummymomentscompetition and show us your mummy moment.

Did we mention, for each #modibodimummymoment photo posted, we will donate a pair of Modibodi underwear to a woman in need across Australia through our Give a Pair program.

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